Julie Yung

Instructor id


Pro status


area of expertise

Behavioral Economics and Decision Making



Professional Review – Emily’s Consultancy Insights: “Emily’s consultancy is a game-changer! Her grasp of behavioral economics is exceptional. Her strategic recommendations are not just insightful but transformative. A true expert in aligning behavioral science with practical decision-making.” Academic Endorsement – Emily’s Research Contributions: “Emily’s research in behavioral economics is pioneering. Her papers explore the nuances of decision-making with clarity and depth. A standout figure in shaping the discourse of behavioral economics!” Colleague Testimonial – Collaborating with Emily: “Collaborating with Emily was a revelation! Her ability to decipher behavioral cues in decision-making is unmatched. Her approachability and dedication make her a delight to work with.”

Other details

Preferred Research Method: Field experiments Motivational Quote: “Understanding behavior is the key to influencing change.” Favorite Behavioral Economist: Daniel Kahneman Published Papers: 12 in peer-reviewed journals Conference Speaker: Presented at 5 international conferences Hobbies: Photography and hiking Favorite Behavioral Theory: Prospect Theory Inspiring Book: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman
